Friday, September 19, 2014

Talking About Zombies

Last Wednesday, I did an Ignite presentation in my home town.  It was probably one of the scariest things I have ever done.  Even though it was only five minutes long, it seemed like the longest five minutes of my life.  It was such a relief to be done.

I'm not normally shy when it comes to speaking in public.  I love doing library visits and talking to people about my work, but this was totally different.  It was so nerve wracking.  However, it did get me some further contacts after it was done.  Earlier this week, I received an email from Wyoming Public Radio saying that the Arts and Culture producer had seen my performance and they wanted me to read my essay on air.  It was awesome!

Since I only had five minutes to talk, I really had to distill my work down to the main essence.  That was hard to do.  I mean, the reason I write books is because I have a lot to say.  But at the same time, I really enjoyed the challenge.

So, I focused my talk on the stereotypes we apply to scientists and how they are portrayed in media, especially zombie books and films.  I used Frankenstein (the book), Day of the Dead, and 28 Days Later as examples, along with some fun pictures of scientist stereotypes.

Then, I took those ideas and applied them to the Ebola victims that were brought into the U.S.

This helped emphasize my point that most of us are afraid of science and scientists.  We know that science does some amazing things for us, but we are afraid it will be our downfall.  I mean, people freaked out when they were told these poor infected people were being brought into the U.S.  Some even became downright angry.  They were convinced Ebola was going to get into the population and kill everyone.  And that's because what we don't understand about science becomes evil and scary.

And this is what I focus on in Undead Obsessed.  How zombies are a metaphor for our fears of science.

I'm still waiting for the Ignite video and the radio broadcast to go up, but I will share them when they do.  Well, maybe I'll share the video.  You know how it is watching yourself on the screen.  *Shudder*

1 comment:

  1. would love to see the video. this sounds so interesting. how exciting, too!


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